Storefront Doors
Strong, secure glass doors are the first line of defense again break-ins and burglary attempts at your storefronts. With BJ Glass, you can count on competent, reliable repairs and maintenance to ensure your glass doors not only ensure safety but continue to present an clean, professional image of your business. Our employees are trained and experienced in all storefront door repair services, including pivots, door hinges, door closers, glass doors, motors, and more. Whether it's an automated door, entry door, or fire-rated door, we are here to provide the solutions you need at competitive prices.

Silicone Sealant
BJ Glass has unsurpassed technical expertise when it comes to selecting the right sealants for any window, skylight, door, or panel application. Whether around glass, metal, or stone, our mechanics have been trained in the proper use and application of silicone exterior caulking, structural sealants, set tapes for use around windows, doors, composite panels, and skylights—in addition to other exterior building substrates. We perform complete building re-sealing to stop water penetration into the envelope and interior.